Soredemo Ayumu wa Yosetekuru Wiki

The 4th Move is the 4th chapter of Soredemo Ayumu wa Yosetekuru manga series.



Returning from shopping, Urushi Yaotome sings a shogi song when she sees Ayumu Tanaka waits for her around the corner. Ayumu explains he called her house and learned she was out shopping and figured she would be around here right now. He tells her he wants to ask her something and asks if she wants to walk with him and Urushi agrees. As they walk, he reveals he heard her singing and that she was cute while doing so. After walking her home, Ayumu is about to leave. Urushi asks him what he wanted to ask her, but he states he already asked her that: to walk with him. Ayumu thanks her and state it was fun walking with the senpai he loves, but quickly corrects himself to the senpai he respects. Urushi was sure she heard it, but Ayumu explains he needs to go and leaves.

