Soredemo Ayumu wa Yosetekuru Wiki

The 3rd Move is the 3rd chapter of Soredemo Ayumu wa Yosetekuru manga series.



Urushi Yaotome beats Ayumu Tanaka in yet another shogi game. She comments it would be great to get more club members and with just two more they will be official club, but Ayumu isn't happy to hear that. He asks her why she wants it and Urushi explains they will have the title "member of the shogi club", but he states they already are calling themselves that. Urushi then states they will have budged, but Ayumu counters her that they already have everything and won't be able to spend it. Urushi then mentions a club room, but Ayumu yet again states they already have one. Urushi gets a bit annoyed and comments with more members, he may start to win and won't feel down loosing, however Ayumu states he doesn't care and will be happy to play with her for the rest of his life. Urushi feels that sounded like proposal and states she figured why he doesn't want other members as they will intrude their alone time. As that was spot on, Ayumu face freezes and he just decides to leave.

