Soredemo Ayumu wa Yosetekuru Wiki

The 10th Move is the 10th chapter of Soredemo Ayumu wa Yosetekuru manga series.



Ayumu Tanaka states he will defeat Urushi Yaotome today. Urushi wonders why he is so confident and then sees he uses the Invincible Phalanx strategy, which is really a weak move. Ayumu is surprised as he heard it was "invincible", which only causes Urushi to laugh. She apologizes for laughing, but Ayumu is fine stating he can die happy knowing he made her laugh. Urushi decides to form a "phalanx" around her heart and explains the invincible phalanx. Ayumu is impressed and flatters her, but her phalanx defense is good and she doesn't get embarrassed. As she explains the invincible phalanx is weak when flanked, Ayumu stands up and sits next to her to see it from the otherside. He confirms the phalanx is weak on the side and Urushi confirms it too as her heart "phalanx" also breaks and she blushes.

